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Donna Matt angels Grammy Don March 3, 2008
Hi Debi, thanks for leaving a condolence on Matt's website. You surely know what our family is going through and we appreciate your kind words. Time makes things somewhat better, but you still have those "tender moments" when you feel as if your heart could burst. And I know he is in a much better place and healthy and whole once more. But as his Grammy and his mothers mother, it's been hard holding my family together the last few months. But Matt's mom Christine must be getting allot of Matt's incredible strength, because she has had to go on and continue with her life without him, and she is a single parent. I am so proud of her! God bless you and the rest of your Angel Andrew's family, this last memories website is a great thing, it does help heal. Ironically Matt's younger brother is named Andrew! God bless Debi... Donna,  Angel Matt's grandmother
Barbara (Darcia's Mom) My heart and soul are with you March 1, 2008
Thank you so much for visiting Darcia's site.  I know that you understand the heartache and have all the haunting questions as to whether he knew you were with him or not.  Darcia died from head trauma due to an auto accident as well.  To sit by the bedside and will them to live was so very painful.  To not be able to say goodbye and know that they heard you doesn't provide for much closure.  I have many regrets but I am working through them.  We, as families left behind, have to be the best we can be or we cheat our child.  They would be so devastated if we didn't "live" our lives to the best that we could.  My heart and soul are with you all....I am here if you ever need to just ramble like I do sometimes.  Barb
Debi To my bonus boy February 23, 2008

Just thinking of you today buddy.  Do you see what a huge impact you had on the lives of so many people?  Do you know when we all visit you and can you hear the words that we speak?  I've often wondered about that because I know that I feel your presence when I speak to you and I somehow feel secure in knowing that you are a truly happy guy up there in Heaven.

As the days turn into months and years, please never fear the fact that anyone will ever forget you.  The love that remains in this life for you is one that was clearly intended for only you.  Your family and friends move forward without you, yet no one has stopped caring, or loving or missing you..until we meet again buddy.


I love you Andrew,


Stacy Dice Thank You February 14, 2008

I am sorry to hear of your loss no words could ever express the heartache and pain of losing a child. You had visited my friend Gavin Duffy's page that I just started to create it is hard to do it still feels like yesterday when we got the call to go to the scene of the accident and not a day goes by that I don't cry but I feel we need something that everyone can go onto to remember him and put there feelings on.  It is nice knowing that there are people out there that care even if they didn't know the person. Thank you for you kind words and my thoughts and prays are with you and your family and Andrew is an angel now so he is always with you watching over you and sharing in all the new memories spiritually.

Susan, mom to Kurtis Cleaver This is Amy, Andrew's sis February 12, 2008
Susan, mom to Kurtis Cleaver Always in my heart and prayers February 12, 2008









Tarah Jerrid's Sister February 8, 2008



I know you visited my brother's site and left us a message...thank you for that. We are still in the very raw stages of our loss and your words of encouragement were very  helpful. It seems that I visit my brother's site atl east a dozen times a day and everytime it opens it all back up again. But it helps to see his face, read the words left behind by friends and hear the music. It makes him seem close.


Your son was a very handsome young man and I can tell he was a cherished soul. It never makes sense when someone so promising and so full of life is taken. I lost both my dad and my brother this month and it hurts more than I can say. I keep trying to remind myself that they are happy and in a place of eternal peace. A place I want to be someday. I can't wait for the time that I can see them again and they can take my hand and show me around the wonderful kingdom of heaven. My own grief is just knowing that I will miss them both so much. All the times I want to call and tell them news or give them a hug or tell them I love them, now have to do in my prayers.


Thank you again for your kind words. May god bring us all peace in knowing our loved ones are with him and that they are smiling down on us always.





Nicole Just someone who can relate February 8, 2008



Thank you so much for the kind words you wrote on my brother Jerrid Hagan's site. We just lost him on the 10th of Jan and it's been the worst thing in our familys life. I miss him so much and I can't see the hurt letting up anytime soon. My brother passed away from a heart condition that we knew nothing about. He was in Missouri visiting his father who was in the hospital of a recent heart attack and was not going to make it then all of a sudden 4 days later he was in the same hospital in worse shape than his father. We lost them both nine days apart. It's the worst possibile thing that could have happened. Your son is so loved that I can see fron all the candles and memories. It meant alot to see that you had taken the time to write. I worry so much for my mom, she has been single for years and her kids are her life along with the grandchildren. I hope that she is able to come to grips with this. She seemed ok thru the services for Jerrid but when everything was over that is when she started to feel the real hurt. You know just what she's going thru, it's nice to see that you still love and miss him dearly but have managed to stay strong. I know that loosing a brother is something that has truly killed my heart but loosing a child is something that just is not supposed to happen. The hurt that you and my mom feel is something that only parents can realte to. Having two boys of my own I can't imagine. Jerrid is my brother and I'm the oldest of the children and this has really devasted me. So my heart goes out to your family! I know we never stop hurting we just learn to cope with the hurt.


Thank you so much again for the kind words.


(Sister to Jerrid Hagan)

Dear Debi,
   Thank you so much for visitning my granddaugher Brittany. It means so much when I visit her sites and see how many candles that has such warm spoken words that are there. It is so hard to go through the days without our angels, it seems like each day gets worse than the one before. I am so sorry for your lose of a wonderful son. Sometimes I wonder why ,why did Brittany have to leave us,it just don't seem right she was just starting out in her life. One of these days we will be reunited with our loved ones. God Bless you and your family. I will forever keep you all in my heart.
   Hugs Rose grma to Brittany
Debi For your girls February 5, 2008



Thank you for all your support that you have given to my mother and I. Your words comfort me although words can never replace Keith and Andrew. I just want to let your daughters to be comforted by the fact that they are not alone and that I know what it is like to lose a brother. If Andrew was anything  like Keith I bet you miss the way he would laugh, smile, or just act goofy. It was very hard for me to lose my brother because he was my only sibling. Your girls are so lucky to have eachother to confide in and to cry on one another's shoulder it is a blessing to have a brother as well as a sister. I have my mother but it isnt the same because what sibling do I have to talk to when my parents drive me nuts or talk with about my life. God has taken from you a brother but has given a sister. Bless you for your support and be strong girls andrew is watching over you right now.

Joshua Kroll's mommy My heart goes out for you February 5, 2008

It is so hard to lose a child, but a child you have had for so are a very brave and strong person. I dont think I could do it if i were you. You have so many more memories, good..bad.. all kinds. I only had my son for a short time and i wish with all my heart that he could be here now. but i know that if i would have had joshua longer it would have killed me inside. I am so sorry for your loss and thank you for your kind words. I sat here and cried reading about your son. I wish things could have been different for all of us. I am sure he is up there playing baseball with my son. i hope he watches over him for me until i get there. i guess i will go i cannot see for the tears. I love the song you have picked. I played it at my sons funeral and havent heard it since the day he died. brings back the memories. with love jolene kroll

Denise Kneale Happy Valentines Day Dear Andrew February 4, 2008


Have a wonderful Valentines Day Andrew, with all our Angels, lighting up our skies.

Please stay close to your dear family, sending them love, peace and little signs that you are always near to them.

Love and Blessings Denise mum to James.


Lisa (Davids mama) LOVE February 3, 2008
Debi, thank you so much for your sweet messages. It means so much when someone remembers your child, and understands your pain. This has been an agonizing three months...I cannot believe its 3 months all ready. Seems like yesterday...God Bless you, and your dear Andrew. I do pray God has arranged for the 2 boys to "hang out", and do all the fun things they get to do in Heaven. Much love to all of you! Lisa and family (David Loring's family)
Bridget Angels up above. January 30, 2008


I feel your pain, I know how it is when so many people try to help by saying at  Broken Heart least you have other kid's. THAT DOES NOT HELP AT ALL! I wish they would not say anything at all. The pain is so great I wish I could go one day where it was not so bad. Our boy's are such a gift to us. The Love we have for them is so great. Our loss is so great it hurt's so bad. I know we never thought we would have such pain in our life, but we do!! No one around me get's it. They think I'm doing good. Boy are they wrong, they just don't get it. sometime's I feel so alone in this. I want Keith back so bad it hurt's. I KNOW YOU KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT. My Heart goes out to you. I feel that our boy's are watching over us, they Love us so much. Take Care of you!!


                                                  Love Bridget!

Karen A. Smith Happy 21 Birthday in Heaven January 26, 2008


Hope you are having a Happy Birthday in Heaven, I hope you have met Matthew and Justin , they are great young men. My thoughts are with your family- Debi I know this will be hard as we celebrated Matthew soon after his death.  Karen




A thousand prayers will go up for you today. May God Bless you and give you happy memories.

Cindy~B.J., Wayne & Bucks Mama Happy Birthday Andrew January 25, 2008



I Know you'll have a wonderful birthday in Heaven tomorrow. Wayne and Buck will be celebrating with you since it's their birthday as well, and I know B.J. will be right there with you all helping with all the fun. I'm lifting your family in my prayers as I know how hard it is for them since you're not here with them.

Love and hugs, Cindy

Karen A. Smith Grieving Aunt January 24, 2008

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Your daughters were so beautiful . Your son is too. My heart goes out to you as in November we lost two great young men in a car accident.  Our lifes will forever be changed and I pray ever day for just a last sigh anything.

I will keep your family in my prayers.

Denise Kneale Thinking Of Andrew's Dear Family January 22, 2008


I am so sorry for the passing of your dear son Andrew.  I hope you know that he is always near to you all, giving you his peace and love.

My son James had his car accident on July 13 2005 and passed over on Aug 12., very unexpectedly after pulling through with his scalp half off and having to be stapled back, 2 sm bleeds on the brain, a punctured lung, broken pelvis, broken arm, broken leg and petrol burns on his back.....he was on a ventilator but after 2wks he was off the ventilator and was making good progress, fully awake and alert, altho not talking as he then had a trachy tube in his throat. The Drs were having meetings as to how and when to fly him home with us to the UK, as it happened in South Africa, for him to finish his rehab.  Then the phone call at 3.30am saying he had passed away.  The nurses didn't know what had happened, except his bp had dropped suddenly, causing him to have cardiac arrest. So we didn't know the cause of his passing until around Oct 2005 from the British Home Office.  It was caused by cerebral odeama which was pressing on his respiratory system.

We know that he is always near to us, and have had many signs from him, we have also seen him both in our dreams and also other things.

If you want to talk or vent or whatever please feel free to email me at:

Death is the biggest lie we have ever been taught, there is no death only change!

Love and Blessings Denise mum to James. xxx

Susan mom to Kurt Cleaver Thank you January 1, 2008

Thank you for visiting my son's website.  I have another memorial in memory of, but that site is going bad and the mothers there are sad because we can't get in to light candles for our children, so a lot of us are moving here. Unfortunately because of my income, I may not be able to buy this site, but I'm having fun fixing up the site for Kurt. I do what I can to keep my son's memory alive, but it gets difficult at times. My heart is broken, my soul is shattered. I love all the mom's here and at memory of. If it wasn't for you all, I would not be able to cope. I lost everyone when Kurt went home, my family and friends. I grieved totally alone and learned to deal with it by myself....I don't wish that on anyone. I will try to get on and light as many candles as I can. Just know that you and your precious angel Andrew are forever in my heart and prayers. If you ever need anything, I am here for you.

God Bless you and your family.

xxoo Susan

Kurt Cleaver's mom

Debi: to my Angel Andrew Mom December 30, 2007
Sunday morning: December 30th, 2007
Good Morning my prescious son.  Christmas has come and gone and we've managed to survive another year without you.  Survival; I never actually knew the impact of the word on the lives of so many. The days move forward, life continues in every sense of the word, yet not one day passes, that I don't think about you.  Christmas without you has been so mentally and emotionally exhausting for me.  Your stocking still hangs on the mantel with the rest of ours and each year, special notes are inserted into yours...just for you. The day has come and gone, but the grief remains, the void of not having you here with us physically leaves such a sharp and painful memory.   I feel your presence at times and I want to savor every moment of it.
I hope you know when I visit your resting place, the place where I sit and stare at your name of the headstone and this real?  I'm not in denial son; it just doesn't seem realistic to me to see your name in bold print on a grave marker.  I was accustomed to seeing your name of sports trophies.
Andrew, I am going to make a resolution in your honor for 2008.  I'm going to find my way back to the happy person that I once was.  I know in my heart that you don't want me to be sad/you loved the sound of laughter.  I'm going to the gym at five days per week. I know that I need that physically, but it's also a mood elevator and God only knows that I need a boost in that department.  I'm going to find my way  back to Church.  That was always something that I looked forward to and loved to sing contemporary Christian, and you did as well.  I want to find the inner peace that left me on July 16th, 2005 and with that, I want to learn to focus on the wonder of your new home.  I'm sorry that I have experienced such difficulty in accepting your death and absence from this earth, but somehow, I see a distant light that I believe is going to teach me how to live, really live...again.  Remember that Garth Brooks song, "Learning to Live again is killing me?"  There you go buddy; that would be me.
So, have a wonderful day in Heaven Andrew.  My love for you is endless son and I know that "together," you will be my coach in 2008, pushing me to "get things done."  I will my's time to smile again. I'm sure you've flashed that handsome, not to mentione EXPENSIVE smile to all of your Angel friends.  Keep smiling, keep laughing, give hugs like no other knows how...but from down here, just let us know that you're with us in spirit and that you are happy, whole and healthy again in your new Heavenly home.
Loving you with my heart and soul, yesterday, today and for all eternity...........Debi
Stephanie condolence December 28, 2007
Thank you for reaching out to us when my sister died.  You left us a touching condolence and let us know we werent the only ones out there feeling the same pain.  Her name was Lacy and she too died young.  Your son sounds like someone she would have been friends with.  I am sorry for your loss and know that the pain doesnt go away.  I am only a sister with out my better half but i couldnt even begin to understand your pain although my mom would.  I know how hard its been for her.  I hope each day gets a little better for you and your family. 
Shannon Mullinax I pray for You! December 28, 2007
I read on Kurt's page about your son!  I am so sorry for your lose!  I know how it feels!  My brother Dusty grew up with Kurt and he was like my other brother from such a young age!  I cry every day over that pain and i can't imagine the pain you are feeling now!  I know you don't know me but anytime you need anyone to talk to or anything please call me 706-764-6164....I pray everything will get easier with Kurt like i assume with your son!  I don't have many words to explain my condolence for you other than I am here if you ever need to talk!  It seems like a bad year all around for so many young lives being lost here lately I  don't understand why... I would give mine in a heartbeat for them to live longer though I am only 30 I would give it!  I can't imagine your pain but i pray for you and your whole family at the same time as I do for Kurt!  Love you!, Shannon Mullinax
Lynda ~ Mommy to Garion Hight Merry Christmas 2007 December 17, 2007

tammy bastin I wish I didn't know November 26, 2007
I wish I didn't know your pain, I to lost my daughter in a car crash 16 days before you lost Andrew she dies on June 30, 2005, She had turned 20 in February. IIt touched me when you said it had been 2 years and 4 months I also think the same way. It has been 2 years 4 months and 24 day since I lost Brittney. She was in a car with 3 other friends the driver was drinking and saw a police officer and decided he didn't want a ticket. My child was the only on killed in the crash and the only one wearing a safety belt. I hope you will understand when I say these things most people don't I was always a God fearing person but now i question so many things. I can't justify losing my child and why God would take her. I'm sure you have been told the same things that there is a reason we just don't know the reason. Well I'm angry and I want to now the reason. I cry myself to sleep every night. I blame myself for not being there, i scream when I think she may have been pain, It is more than I can bear on most days. And I hate people who try and tell me they know how I feel when they haven't lost a child or they try and compare this with losing a parent of a spouse,  If there is a God he must want to punish me for something. He took the most precious thing in the world to me. The boy driving the car was charged with murder and is in prison, but that is little constilation, he will be free someday and I will never have my beauitful daughter back. Feel free with visit her site
Ann Dimler another grieving mom September 15, 2007

Dear Debi and family,

I happened to come across this site while visiting one on  and I felt compeled to write because just reading about your inner most feelings was very touching and so much in tune with my own feelings. I am so sorry for your loss of such a wonderful son that was loved so much. 

His story is quite similar to our son's, whom we lost to a car accident on Aug. 6/06, just barely over a year ago. He was the youngest child and only son. We miss him terribly. He died of blunt force injuries to the head and chest

 I can identify with your great loss and deep pain all too well. There are so many questions that can't be answered, only God can tell us the answers some day.

This is one of the many sites that I visited that really stood out to me. You put it together so nicely with all the intimate feelings being felt so strongly. May God continue to give you strength and comfort while we await the sweet reunion with our sons.

Hugs and prayers,

Ann Dimler

In loving memory of Braden Dimler



Beverly A Ribaudo A Few Tributes For Andrew September 14, 2007

This is one of the ways that I cope...  Making graphics for our beautiful Angels.






Judy Joe King's wife Thinking of you September 6, 2007


I Love the letters to God. They are very heartfelt. I am so sorry for your loss and the pain you are feeling. Andrew is smiling down on you and your family, sending you Angel kisses to help you face another day.

He is a very handsome young man. Thanks so much for your kind words and for visiting my Joe.

I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers, wishing I could do more but I will lift your names in prayer and put it in God's hands.

Love and HUgs


Joe King's wife Forever



Sonia Michalak God Bless August 30, 2007


You are so loved and missed

                                   Matt's Mom

Lisa Houston Prayers from a mother August 28, 2007



Thank you so much for reading about my beautiful son. I am very sorry to hear about the loss of your son, Andrew. I read that he loved baseball. So did Michael. He played from the time he was 5 years old until he went to Heaven at the age of 17. He always wanted to grow up and play for the Atlanta Braves and his team mates called him the "Ice Man" because he was so cool under pressure. I miss him so much, but I don't have to explain that to you. Our children are together playing ball in Heaven, I'm sure of that! Please accept my condolences and I promise I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers forever!


Lisa Houston

Jamie Mom of Dakota Our sons August 25, 2007

I saw your son on another site that I visited, and when I saw the day that you lost your son, I had to stop in and leave you a message.  I lost my son Dakota, 6, on July 16, 2007 to drowning.  To know that you were reliving the pain of losing a child on the same day as me, caused me to want to leave you a message and tell you how sorry I am that you lost your beautiful son.  May God Bless You and your family.

Jamie Wagner

Sonia Michalak Blessings August 18, 2007
Sonia Michalak Love July 16, 2007
God Bless Matt's Mom
Rose~~ Angel Jason's Wife July 15, 2007
Rose 4th of July June 25, 2007

Wishing Andrew & Jason were here to celebrate this Independence Day with us!!




Alice Silverman Another sad Mom May 27, 2007  My thoughts and prayers are with you as I can relate.  Peace to you and your family somehow.


Love Alice

Sonia Michalak Candles for you May 26, 2007

I am lighting this special candel for you today so you know I am thinking about you on this Memorial Day. May God Bless you and your family sweet angel,in heaven Matt's Mom

Brenda Murray A tribute to Debi and Andrew May 23, 2007

To a mother who has lost her son.

In a tragedy that cant be undone.

If only's and what if's all too often are heard.

There's nothing you could do, dont forget these words.

Your Angel loved you so much you know.

Only the Lord knew it was his time to go.

In memory of your Andrew, keep his memory alive.

With your website, a chance for it to thrive.

Andrew is looking down on you with a smile.

You will see your son again, in just a short while.

Forever in my prayers. I hope the poem is ok. I just thought I would make a tribute to Andrew and his mother.

Summer I Remember when.... May 11, 2007

I know that I have grown up alot since the time we ran around ur moms house playing dress up singing " I want money lots and lots and lots of money, I want the pie in the ski" ( in case u dont remember u were dressed like bat man) Thats how I will always remember.... my bat man coming in to save the day.... I know as time went by we grew apart.... but u stayed in my heart and mind often.... I have a special friend that is always with u... her name is vernetta.... shes with u looking down on me... I want u to make sure I dont get into anymore trouble.... lol.... She will help u with anything... shes the bestfriend someone could ask for..... ( just tell her u know me ) I love u so much..... I promise if ur mom needs anything shes got it..... She knows how to get in contact with me..... My mother also thinks about u often.... she sends her love.... ( not to computer literate so I had to help her) but she loves u the same if not more and more every apssing day......... We will never forget u buddy!! How can I, u are the CUTEST bat man I know!!!! Love u..... Cuzin ( yeah I know, funny spelling, but u know what it meant)

Your CuZin Summer 

ellen churchill sticking together May 11, 2007
i was reading what you wrote.My sons car was like that as well.It was on the news and there is pictures in the paper.I have not brought myself to look at them yet.Its been 7 months and I try so hard to go on but at the same time i feel guilty.Like is he looking down on me upset that I am thinking this way.i had a heart attack last was mild and i didnt do no damage to my heart muscle.they said it was due to stress.from crying 24/7.but i cant stop and i dont know why.they ordered me some meds to slow me down a little,i havent taken them yet.yes mothers day is very hard for me,i ask myself.they told me that my son was completely brain dead so there was no choice but to disconnect him.I laid in his hospital bed while they did it.But i could hear his heart beating.i kissed him and told him i loved him and it was okay to go to god.i feel as if i had not let them unhook him than maybe they were wrong.maybe he would be here.why else would heart beat still.but that is the old "what ifs"" and only if I had of" questions that will torment me for a long time.or until i find answers.our babies are together on mothers day but they will both be shining down bright on us.thank you for keeping in touch with keeps me sane.ellen
Sonia Michalak Happy Mothers Day May 11, 2007

This rose is for you mom on this special day, Happy Mothers Day I love and miss you very much mom. Love forever Andrew. Matt's Mom

To Debbie Thinking of you:John and Brenda May 10, 2007

Andrew: Angel in Heaven smiling down on all his loved ones. Waiting to be with you again.

To Debbie With Thanks, John Murray May 7, 2007
Debbie, I just wanted to thank you for your condolence. As you know all too well, it has been the hardest thing, aside from the loss itself, to make this page, look at it day after day and even write in it. Not nearly as strong as I thought, I cannot write in it often. It is just too painful. I do look quite often and ask my wife Brenda to write as much as she can. I dont want the page to sit with nothing put on it. Jason deserves more. However, you know how hard it is to look at the pictures sometimes and write memories. I love the pictures and things she puts on. I think it makes the page more beautiful. I am sorry for the loss of your sister. So much pain to endure in one lifetime isnt it. Sometimes its just too much to bear and I wonder whats next. But even so, the pages are a tribute to the ones we love. I hope it helps you to look at our page, as it does us when we see the love from you on Andrews. Thank you very much. John and Brenda
Lynn, Mom of Ross, Our Angel Love Continues On May 7, 2007


I didn't know you in life but celebrate your amazing story through the words of your precious Mom.

As that old song says, "I can only imagine" is it to walk beside Jesus? Oh, the things you could tell us.

As I do with my son, Ross, I'll search for your sweet smile in every sunset, in each sunrise and listen for those gentle Angel wings to catch our teardrops.


Until we meet in Heaven, I'll remain another grieving Mom,

Lynn Price

Mom of Ross, Our Angel

Sherry Im sorry for the pain May 3, 2007
I didn't know your son, but has a mother losing a child. I understand the Grief thats never ending. I pray for your family to find peace in a life thats so unfair
To Debi From John and Brenda May 2, 2007
Just thought we would send this to you and let you know we were thinking of Andrew today along with Jason. In our prayers.
Lighting Candles For All The Angels, Especially Andrew & Jason!! April 30, 2007
Rose Murray Andrew April 26, 2007
Jason's Wife, Rose For Debi April 25, 2007

Not only were you blessed to have Andrew as your son, but I believe he was also blessed to have you as his Mama!!!  I know the pain you are going through is the worst thing in your life, but seeing your love for your children, makes me love & appreciate mine even more.  I truly believe a Mother's Love is Forever!!!  You are proof!!


SoniaMichalak Love April 22, 2007
Happy Mother's Day Mom
You are Everything To Somebody
Right now at this very minute-----------


is very proud of you


is thinking of you
cares about you
misses you


wants to talk to you
wants to be with you
hopes you aren't in trouble


is thankful for the support you have
wants to hold your hand


hopes everything turns out all right
wants you to be happy


wants you to find them


is celebrating your successes
wants to give you a gift
think you ARE a gift
hopes you are not too cold, or too hot
wants to hug you


loves you
wants to lavish you with small gifts
admires your strength


is thinking of you and smiling


wants to be your shoulder to cry on
wants to go out with you and have a lot of fun


thinks the world of you
wants to protect you
would do anything for you
wants to be forgiven
is grateful for your forgiveness


wants to laugh with you about old times


remembers you and wishes you were there


needs to know that your love is unconditional


values your advice
wants to tell you how much they care
wants to stay up watching old movies with


wants to share their dreams with you


wants to hold you in their arms
wants YOU to hold them in your arms
treasures your spirit


wishes they could STOP time because of


can't wait to see you
wishes that things didn't have to change


loves you for who you are


loves the way you make them feel
wants to be with you
hears a song that reminds them of you
wants you to know they are there for you
is glad that you're their friend
wants to be your friend
stayed up all night thinking about you


is alive because of you


is wishing that you would notice them
wants to get to know you better


believes that you are their soul mate


wants to be near you
misses your guidance and advice


values your guidance and advice


has faith in you


trusts you
needs you to send them this letter


needs your support
needs you to have faith in them
needs you to let them be your friend

Total Condolences: 227
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