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To my son in Heaven
Just came back from the Beach Andrew.u loved it so!! I thought of u everyday. Always luving & Missing u. RIP-Deb
Sonia Michalak
Sometimes a moment is a lifetime. sometimes love is for a moment. sometimes love is for a lifetime. matts mom
To my Angel in Heaven
A candle for u today Andrew. I find great peace in knowing that you are whole and eternally safe. Always missing & luving you!
A friend of Drew's
Just found this site bro. I still miss you man and can't believe u're gone. See ya one day. RIP
When loved ones leave us, love saves their place. Continue to love life, God's kingdom is our reward-Andrew knows!
Sonia Michalak
May God hold you in the palm of His hand and angels watch over you Matts mom
To my special Angel in Heaven
Loving u today as always Andrew and missing u even more. I love ya buddy..Deb
Melinda (Jeff Ford's Mom)
Andrew, I know you and Jeff are in Heaven together, we will see you again someday! RIP
Deb: to my son in Heaven
Thinking of u as I light this candle buddy. You will never be forgotton & will eternally be loved. RIP son
a friend of Debi's
Andrew, u will never know how your death has affected Debi. Please send her a sign that u r just fine. RIP
Bridget: Keith Elwart
Deb, I know Andrew is with you alway's. He know's what a special mom you are. Take Care! Love Bridget!
Sonia Michalak
May God hold you in the palm of His hand and angels watch over you Matts mom
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