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Tonya~Mommy to Jaydon & Jordan
I light this candle in your sweet memory. You and your family are forever in my heart. Sending many hugs. XOXOXOXOXOXO
dessa smith
As you live on in heaven our precious angel, you will live on in our hearts. XOXO Joseph’s mom
Barbara~mom to Michael Butler
Andrew,you and your mom will always be in my heart!!Sending you both lots of ((((HUGS))))
Deb: to my Angel Son Andrew
Missing u is an infinite part of my life; luving u is a gift that came from God when u became my son. RIP-hugs & kisses buddy.
Thinking of you sweet Angel!! Fly high above the clouds with my Angel!! God Bless!!
Dessa Smith Joseph's Mom
U hold a special place that no One else can fill in the heart of all who love u & u know u always will. I love u too!
Cindy~B.J.,Wayne & Bucks Mama
Forever loved, never forgotten. May special memories of you rest gently in the hearts that love and miss you.
To my Angel Andrew
It's not about the # of breaths that we take but about the moments that take our breath away. Thanks 4 the memories buddy. Luv
Rose~Angel Jason's Wife
Andrew, thinkin of you & your family on this Halloween night. You are so missed. God Bless!!
Tammy~Mom Of Angelica Hatchell
wrote your name in my heart... and forever it'll stay.
Dessa Smith
This prayer is sent with love to deep for words to express God grant eternal rest to our loved one’s Joseph’s mom
Tammy~Mom Of Angelica Hatchell
"A garden of beautiful memories, Sprayed with a million tears."
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