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Just for AndrewHis younger years
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To my Angel son Andrew
Lighting this candle to keep your memory burning bright, just as your presence represented when u were here.Luv u and miss u son.
I light this candle for Andrew,I never met you but can tell you are an awesome young man.God's love to you and your family
Deb: missing my Angel Andrew
Morning buddy, your memory is with me in a fantastic way today. Your smile warms my heart and those hugs..send me one from Heaven
Dessa Smith
Angels are like stars… We don’t always see them, but we know they are always there. Joseph’s mom
Deb: to my Angel Andrew
Morning buddy; hope u slept well & are ready for a new day. Hugs and kisses to Heaven son; always loving & missing u.
Debi: to my Angel Andrew
Hugs and kisses to Heaven buddy..smile down on family & friends to heal our hearts and souls..luv ya always buddy.
Barbara~Michael&Scotts Mom
Good Morning Andrew,you and your mom are forever in my heart.Keep close to her and send your love.{{{{Debi}}}
Nancy Davis
Never Forgotten! Always missed & Forever loved...such a handsome young man...thoughts & prayers to the family.
Patsy-Mom Of Vernon Lipsey
Andrew throw a few balls to Vernon, he enjoys that. Fly high handsome Angel and stay close to Mom
To my buddy in Heaven
Missing u-loving u and praying that u feel the love & sadness here since u left us. Be happy handsome Angel..my special son.
To my Angel Son Andrew
Morning son,I'm sending u bear hugs,kisses & lots of love as another day begins without u. Always missing u buddy..always
Lisa Holly's Mom
Thinking of you and your family today and always. God bless.
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